Disutradarai oleh Randall Kleiser, film ini dibintangi oleh Joey Cramer dan Sarah Jessica Parker, mengisahkan tentang seorang anak bernama David Scott Freeman yang berteman dengan artificial intelligence bernama Trimaxion (Max), yang mengendalikan sebuah pesawat drone dari planet asing bernama Phaelon.
Selain bertopik mengenai pesawat alien dan artificial intelligence, film ini juga menyajikan konsep time dilation berdasarkan teori relativitas Albert Einstein, serta optimalisasi fungsi otak manusia, dimana dalam kesehariannya manusia hanya mempergunakan 10% dari fungsi otak tersebut. Menurut saya, film ini cukup gamblang dalam menampilkan hal-hal yang kontroversial seperti tersebut di atas.
Namun bukan itu yang menjadi fokus perhatian saya sekarang. Dalam salah satu adegannya, dikisahkan pesawat drone Trimaxion itu ditangkap oleh NASA dan dibawa dengan menggunakan truk ke fasilitas penelitian NASA. Penggambarannya adalah seperti gambar di bawah ini.
Nah, beberapa bulan yang lalu, tepatnya 7 Agustus 2009, terdapat kejadian “Texas Highway Incident” yang sempat menghebohkan dunia Twitter. Kejadian itu juga dicatat di www.ufocasebook.com sebagai berikut:
The UFO Casebook received the following information, along with two photographs from a reader.
Reader Details
Time: 9:00 pm - 9:30 pm on I-20 in
I was actually listening to the radio in Irving, TX, when the DJ said that a lot of people where calling in and saying that there was a truck on I-20 with a UFO on the bed of the truck.
It was being followed by what looked like miltary and police. This was kind of like what they do when a big name politician comes into town where they close the highway down for them. I remember they did that for Donald Rumsfeld when he was here about 2 1/2 years ago.
I then switched to another radio station since the one I was listening to went to commercial, and after awhile of listening they said they were getting calls in about the same thing. I don't know if it was for a movie or what, but if it was wouldn't they have closed the highway down before hand?
There were still civilians on the road at the time. I would have sent this sooner, but I don't have Internet at home and have to do it at work.
In a later e-mail, the reporter also told me that several of the callers said that they could see smoke or steam coming from the UFO on the flatbed truck.
After reading the information above, we began to search for more details of this alleged incident. This is what we found.
We were able to determine that at least one radio station, 97.9 The Beat - Call Letters KBFB, did in fact go live with caller input about the incident above. Here is a report made by another person on a forum.
This one has been getting some press. It’s allegedly pictures of a UFO on the back of an 18-wheeler going down I-20. A man called the local radio station 97.9 the Beat, claiming that he took the pics and there were several government cars following the flatbed which was carrying the massive UFO.
Police escorts were forcing people to exit and shutting down ramps getting onto the highway. It actually looks real, but of course the pics are blurry as hell and hard to see.
It’s easy to declare as fake at first glance, but it starts getting fishy when you take into account that the radio station has been told not to replay the audio, and their email system has allegedly gone automatic. Government intervention? Who knows these days.
The pics first appeared on Twitter and have been generating quite a stir. Is it so crazy to think the government is transporting a UFO down a highway on a flatbed.
Many people have even stated that they believe this could be a prop. Okay... maybe. BUT... props are typically moved in stages, and are not guarded by unmarked black Tahoes and Hummers accompanied by Dallas Police Department.
Dan ini adalah foto yang diambil dari peristiwa itu.
Mari kita bandingkan kembali dengan gambar di bawah ini:
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